about me
Hi everyone and welcome to my website!
I want to take a quick second to introduce myself to you anyone who doesn’t already know me or my story! My name is Stefanie. I’m a 33 year old mom to two kiddos; Kalli who is going to be 14 and Treyton who is 11. I am married to my amazing husband Josh for 13 years. Yep, if you do the math we had our daughter when I was 19 and she doesn’t let us forget it!
I battled weight my entire life. When I moved away from home, that was when my real weight struggle started. Add fast food on every corner (something we didn’t have back where I grew up), having two kids only two years apart, a strong love for food, and not the slightest idea of how to eat healthy; insert my highest weight of 255 pounds! After trying and failing every diet known to man, I finally got fed up. I stopped looking for a quick fix and I simply started going to a gym and doing 10 minutes on an elliptical. Eventually, I added more time and days to the gym and slowly started changing the way I ate. I found a love for creating recipes that still taste amazing but are healthier for you!
Within two years, I lost a total of 125 pounds! However, I didn’t stay at that weight because well…I’m 5’10 and don’t need to be 125 pounds or a size 0. So yes, I did put on some weight after that, all of which I will get into more in blog posts because it was quiet the journey!
During my journey, I decided to go back to school to obtain a Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition and Health from Kansas State University. I knew I was put on this earth to guide people in their weight loss/healthier lifestyle journey and show them that it doesn’t have to mean hours in the gym everyday and living off of broccoli and rice!
Over the last few years, I have developed a program that I guide my clients through. It teaches portion control, moderation, balance, accountability, and nothing is off limits. I’m looking forward to this new journey, starting my own business and helping change thousands of lives in the years to come!